Journal of Nutritional Health & Food Science
Editor-In-Chief :   Mihalis I. Panagiotidis, Heriot Watt University
Impact Factor 2.6
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ISSN Online :  2372-0980
Current Issue :  Volume10-Issue1
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About Journal

Journal of Nutritional Health & Food Science (JNHFS)is strongly committed to offer peer reviewed and original research papers, review articles and clinical studies on various aspects of nutrition research and science.JNHFS is an open access journal that offers knowledge of scientific advancements in clinical nutrition, meta-analysis of patient-related nutrition data and studies on various facets of nutrition and metabolism such as diabetes, food and dietary supplements, obesity, micro and macro nutrients. The journal widely provides authentic and advanced information on nutrition and food to international scientific community, food professionals, nutritionists and readers through its scientific publications.

The scope of the journal also includes studies on food technology development and other articles related to food science such as enhancement of shelf life of food products, handling and processing of food, deterioration, quality and safety of food and food engineering. Manuscripts related to food science like food chemistry, toxicology, food microbiology and safety will also be considered.

JNFHS aims to provide varied and valuable information to food scientists, food producers and retailers, nutritionists, and to the public and private health sector agencies.

Subject Areas

➢ Human Nutrition ➢ Human Physiology
➢ Family Meal Management ➢ Basic Dietetics
➢ Food Microbiology ➢ Community Nutrition
➢ Dietetics and Counseling ➢ Tele-Health
➢ Health Care Trends ➢ Scope of Practice
➢ Basic Anatomy and Body Organization ➢ Body Mechanics
➢ Community Nutrition ➢ Multicultural Diversity
➢ Equipment Safety ➢ Probiotics
Listing : ICMJE   

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